TRUE Career Profiler test

  • Price: Test Taken 999
  • Total No. of Questions: 90
  • Test Duration: 90 Mins
  • Test Taken 2884

Test Objective

Life has become very competitive for students today. There are multiple people for the same jobs and industry people look for candidates whose personality matches the type of job or role they are hiring for.

Majority of the candidates are expected to go through an OPQ (occupational personality test) at the time of interview. Since a candidate has no idea what to expect in the test, they are prone to appear for a particular job or role for which they may not be suited, and they might not even be aware of this fact. On other occasions, a candidate may just take up a job because they are getting it, but later will fail to perform at peak potential or get de-motivated because the occupation they have taken up is not aligned to their interest. The result in most cases is disastrous. Not only do they not do well in their role, they may even be among those unfortunate people who are asked to exit the organization. Once that happens, it is even more difficult to get another role; and it is almost always accompanied with a lot of frustration and confusion.

The TRUE Career Profiler (TCP) test is a tool that measures the degree of interest you have in different types of occupations.

  • At the end of this test, you will know what occupation is best suited to your interests
  • The tool uses that knowledge (your preferred occupation) to recommend to you a list of career options best suited for a person of your orientation.
  • The site recommends Knowledge Experts on our portal who can guide you on areas related to your occupational interests. We have a huge list of Knowledge Experts from various professions, whom you can follow for updates and knowledge enhancement pertaining to your chosen area
  • As we keep adding more features to our site, we will be able to recommend to you various additional knowledge resources (webinars, self paced online learning programs and a lot more) that you may use to further your interests and succeed in your chosen career

Test Description

The TRUE Career Profiler (TCP) test is a scientific tool comprising 90 questions that are easy to answer and do not take more than 15 minutes to do so.

TCP is a tool that measures the degree of interest you have in different types of occupations. It is based on the six different occupational categories as mentioned in the RIASEC model by Dr. Holland.

The six occupational categories mentioned by Holland are:

  • Realistic
  • Investigative
  • Artistic
  • Social
  • Enterprising
  • Conventional

At the end of the TRUE Career Profiler (TCP) test, you will know what occupation profiles best suit you. For instance, you could either be an Executor (Realistic) or an Examiner (Investigative) or an Originator (Artistic) or a Supporter (Social) or an Influencer (Enterprising) or an Organizer (Conventional). It is also possible that you may have an equal score for more than one occupational category mentioned above. In which case, you would have traits that match your interests to more than one occupational category.

For ease of understanding, we are mentioning the categories that are most compatible with each other. These are as follows:

  • Realistic (Executor)
Conventional (Organizer) & Investigative (Examiner)
  • Investigative (Examiner)
Artistic (Originator) & Realistic (Executor)
  • Artistic (Originator
Investigative (Examiner) & Social (Supporter)
  • Social (Supporter)
Artistic (Originator) & Enterprising (Influencer)
  • Enterprising (Influencer)
Conventional (Organizer) & Social (Supporter)
  • Conventional (Organizer)
Enterprising (Influencer) & Realistic (Executor)
Note for Test takers:

If you are a college student (management, engineering, IT, pharmacy, or any other course) and are looking for the right career and job opportunities, the TRUE Career Profiler (TCP) test will help you decide which kind of an organization and role would work best for you.

If you are finishing college education and are trying to decide what course you should take at a post graduate level the TRUE Career Profiler (TCP) test will help you make that decision in a scientific manner. Even if you want to take up some additional certifications to supplement your college education, the TRUE Career Profiler (TCP) test will help you decide the kind of certification program you can choose. Overall, you will make choices that are better suited to ensure your future success.

If you have already taken up a job, the TRUE Career Profiler (TCP) test will help you identify the right occupational interest for you. Remember, this is important because if you work in an environment or a role that best matches your occupational personality, you have a better chance of succeeding in that job or career.

More than a million people across the world have taken tests based on Holland's RIASEC model and helped themselves succeed in their choice of career and education pursuits. Join the league of those successful people by taking the TRUE Career Profiler NOW!