TRUE Entrepreneurial Profiler test

  • Price: Test Taken 499
  • Total No. of Questions: 111
  • Test Duration: 120 Mins
  • Test Taken 1891

Test Objective

Being an entrepreneur is not about money or fame. It's about solving problems for society and the passion of creating opportunities where people only see problems

Steve Jobs, co-founder, Apple Inc.

Entrepreneurship can be the best decision of your life, or your worst nightmare. It all depends on whether you have what it takes to be an entrepreneur!

Being an entrepreneur means you are not only sure about the business you want to get into, but you have a driving passion for it; and a plethora of skills and expertise that is going to be vital for you to succeed as an entrepreneur.

Only 1 person succeeds out of every 10 that set up a new business. The other 9 businesses shut down before the first year is out. That's a high rate of failure!

You can avoid this by understanding what are your potential strengths and development areas as an entrepreneur. Knowing your development needs will enable you to focus on improving them so that you also improve your chances of success as an entrepreneur.

The TRUE Entrepreneurial Profiler test helps you identify your strengths and those vital areas where you should focus on developing yourself.

Take the TRUE Entrepreneurial Profiler test NOW and join the legion of successful entrepreneurs who have already benefited from taking this.

Test Description

The TRUE Entrepreneurial Profiler test comprises seven sections aimed at measuring an individual's strengths and development areas as an entrepreneur.

The seven sections in this test include:

  • Creativity
  • Execution focus
  • People skills
  • Leadership ability
  • Understanding of finance
  • Risk taking ability
  • Learning orientation


For any entrepreneur, it is important to be able to come up with a good idea; an idea that is not only unique but has the potential to be disruptive and change the way things work. This section measures the ability of an individual to come up with fresh, innovative and disruptive ideas.

Execution focus

An idea alone will not yield much. It needs to be backed by strong execution capability and unstinting focus. This section measures how results oriented a person is. It also tests the ability of an individual to set goals for themselves or their teams, as well as the confidence and self assurance of a person with regard to achieving the same. The degree of energy and persistence in achieving stretch goals and overcoming obstacles is also a part of this dimension. Also measured is the propensity of a person to plan ahead and monitor milestones and timelines to ensure delivery.

People skills

An entrepreneur needs to be able to work with people; engaging and involving them. It could be team members or external stakeholders, but an entrepreneur knows that people are a key asset and an entrepreneur's ability to relate to people is an invaluable asset. This section measures the ability of the test taker to network with relevant stakeholders as well as the ability to collaborate and work with other people when the need arises. This part of the test is also helpful in finding out the test-takers interpersonal skills and ability to negotiate in various situations.

Leadership ability

Entrepreneurship is all about leadership, whether it is about leading people, or ideas or a start-up or later a large business. This section measures the ability to attract talent, inspire people, develop strong teams and manage conflict assertively as and when it arises.

Financial acumen

Most businesses fumble because an entrepreneur is not adept at managing finances or is unable to understand the intricacies of financial management. A great idea will not yield results if the business shuts down owing to lack of funding. Or once funded, a business will not succeed if the entrepreneur does not have keen financial wisdom. This part of the test measures the test-taker on aspects like understanding of applied financial management, ability to raise funds, and the overall financial health of the entrepreneur and the business.

Risk-taking ability

Entrepreneurship is all about taking balanced and measured risks. Someone who is not willing to take a leap of faith is destined to mediocrity. And another person that takes insane risks is doomed to self destruct. Businesses have been lost either because someone did not want to take a risk at all and continued to do things in a conventional manner or because irrational risks were taken that entirely crumpled the business. Risk-taking ability also includes the ability of an individual to withstand pressure and stress that are an intrinsic part of an entrepreneur's life. Not only that, it also picks up the ability or the lack of it in an individual to take a risk on their people and the ability to adapt to situations and move beyond conditionings. This section of the test therefore determines the overall risk taking pattern of a person, and how that may impact decisions and drive the individual's behaviour.

Learning orientation

Businesses that do not innovate die young. An entrepreneur needs to be able to manage BAU (business as usual) and keep reinventing themselves and their business model. This requires a high degree of market sensing, market relating, competition benchmarking, self discovery and continuous learning. It also requires an external orientation (an outside-in view) and some degree of flexibility and willingness to learn from past mistakes. This section of the test measures where an individual stands on the learning orientation.

Those who could benefit the most from this test are:

  • People who desire to be an entrepreneur
  • Existing entrepreneurs wanting to gain a better understanding of where they stand on the key aspects related to entrepreneurial success
  • Potential partners or co-founders who want to evaluate whether all the main people involved in setting up the business have an entrepreneurial orientation
  • Private equity firms and angel investors who want to use the test to evaluate a start-up team's entrepreneurial orientation